Hi! I'm Haidar

🧊 I'm helping people like you to be better especially in modern career, web development, software engineering, tech business, and life in general.

Fun coding since 2000 + Professional coding since 2010

Hero Image

🧑🏻‍🏫 Educator & Mentor 🧑🏻‍💻 Software Engineer & Full Stack Web Developer 🧑‍💼 Founder of 🐻Bearmentor and 🐱Catamyst


My Work Specialty

All around software engineering, web development, and career development


Building Catamyst and other ventures to help the mission to move forward.


Mentoring, coaching, and training people to be better.


Solving highly critical problems and developing stuffs.


Designing interface and experience for practical human use.


Promoting community events and advocating various tech knowledge.


Making interesting creations for learning, fun, ???, and profit!

It's Techin' Time

My Favorite Stack

Mostly using web technologies. See complete list

General Stack

JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js/Deno/Bun, npm/yarn/pnpm, Golang, Rust, Python, Ruby, Kotlin/Java, Swift, Dart

Frontend and UI Components

Figma, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Windi CSS, React, React Router, TanStack Router, Ariakit, Radix UI, Headless UI, Jotai, Zustand, XState, Redux/RTK

Backend and Database

Express, NestJS, GraphQL Yoga, Pothos, Prisma, MySQL/MariaDB/PlanetScale, PostgreSQL/Neon/Supabase

Full Stack, Web API, Testing, CI/CD

Remix, Next.js, Astro, RedwoodJS, REST API, GraphQL, tRPC, gRPC, Vitest, testing-library, Playwright, GitHub Actions

Deployment, Infra, Services

Vercel, Netlify, Railway.app, Various Analytics, Mailjet, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure

Management, Repo, Misc

Linear, Basecamp, Twist/Slack/Discord, Vim, VS Code, Markdown, Warp/iTerm2/Hyper, Git, GitHub/GitLab, esbuild, Vite, Turbopack, Turborepo, Slidev

M Haidar Hanif

My Journey

Frontend Web

All things interface and interaction. Including UI, UX, Figma, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, and React.

Backend Web

All things API and database. Including DBMS, ORM, REST API, and GraphQL.

Full Stack Web

Everything combined! Including Node.js, npm, deployment, etc.

Super Developer!

My Values

Start the life with Why. Combine both education and technology. Remote work and asynchronous collaboration.

These 3 main values are at the core of what I'm doing for life and work for every single day.

My Thoughts

The blog articles are the culmination of experience from life and work. Feel free to share, critique, feedback, remix, and credit them. Might still contain some dummies/examples/templates though.

About M Haidar Hanif

Haidar is an Educator, Mentor, Developer, Designer, Consultant. Currently working on Catamyst and with CodePolitan, RevoU, Kontenbase, Poinswap, High Skill Masters, and Casual On/Offline Developer Event. Was also at Impact Byte, Hacktiv8, and so on...

[Example] Get started with Astro

Sint sit cillum pariatur eiusmod nulla pariatur ipsum. Sit laborum anim qui mollit tempor pariatur nisi minim dolor. Aliquip et adipisicing sit sit fugiat

[Example] How to customize Astro

Pariatur eiusmod nulla pariatur ipsum. Sit laborum anim qui mollit tempor pariatur nisi minim dolor. Aliquip et adipisicing sit sit fugiat

[Example] Astro in depth

Ornare cum cursus laoreet sagittis nunc fusce posuere per euismod dis vehicula a, semper fames lacus maecenas dictumst pulvinar neque enim non potenti. Torquent hac sociosqu eleifend potenti.

My Frequent Questions

What is this question?

This is the answer with some example sentence. Another sentence so it can be longer and looks good.

What is this question?

This is the answer with some example sentence. Another sentence so it can be longer and looks good.

What is this question?

This is the answer with some example sentence. Another sentence so it can be longer and looks good.

What is this question?

This is the answer with some example sentence. Another sentence so it can be longer and looks good.

What is this question?

This is the answer with some example sentence. Another sentence so it can be longer and looks good.

What is this question?

This is the answer with some example sentence. Another sentence so it can be longer and looks good.

Feeling adventurous?

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